Douglas Does it Again

Last Tuesday I went to Bergdorf Goodman to celebrate All Hallows Eve and the new windows that my friend, Douglas Little created.
Douglas is one of the most talented people I know and tonight he amazed me once more.
The party was held in the 7th floor restaurant over looking Central Park. A four man jazz band was there to greet guests with banjos and brass upon entering the room and to the left was the most over the top table I have ever seen. Well, I have seen such things before, in Douglas' creations. But to have it not as a visual, but as a functioning table where one can eat the fruits, frommage and festooned cookies was a real treat.
There were stuffed birds, mounds of fruit and black candles ensconced in candelabra’s (which Douglas' minions were relighting through the night). The chocolate skulls were beyond! Douglas sent his small skull cast to the pastry chef who used it to create chocolate, white chocolate and caramel treats, which once bitten into, would ooze cherry cordial, chocolate mouse or caramel.
The china pattern was Royal Copenhagen's Mega Musel, which is near and dear to me since it is my pattern as well. For an extra over the top addition, cookies were created with the same cobalt blue floral pattern that is on the china.
At the bar there were two massive hand blown absinthe decanters which bartenders were pouring lethal concoctions called Black Widows. Ancient Regime Supermodel, Carmen Del'Orifice had several and once I saved her glass from an eager bartender she laid two gorgeous and silky smooth kisses on my cheeks.
I met some great people that night including Mr. Drut from Maison Gerard and Andrew Pollard from Kiki de Montparnasse. We talked in depth about the Kiki 'Petting Ring" which I find the best invention since sock garters.
The night ended with drinks at The Pierre and a stumble into a cab.
Trick or Treat?
For a slideshow about Douglas' windows, please click here: