Fay and Olivia head South for the weekend!
After my month in London and a month in NYC I am spending a month in Atlanta! Or Buford, Georgia to be precise at mom and dad's home on the lake.
YAY! The south for a whole month!
Fay and Olivia escorted me down for the weekend and we had a blast.
Mom and Dad picked us up and the first place we headed was the Varsity or as it is known locally, 'The Greasy V'.
Mother always says I was supposed to be born on May 2nd and dad took her to the Varsity that night. After onion rings, a chili dawg and pc I slipped out the next day. Charming I know.
So here we are feasting.
*BONUS* We saw a gaggle of prom kids either stoned and hungry or coating their stomachs for the house party. Fay told them she was a photog for a UK magazine and asked them to pose.