Me at a Military Ball?

I know I know. Me at a Military Ball? There is a first time for everything! And I have to admit; it was almost more entertaining than all those Met Balls with celebs and designer frocks! Why? Because it was a REAL ball! They had a FULL orchestra and when the band started playing the Charleston my bow tie nearly twirled off I was so excited!

I know it is cool now to have a DJ at such events but thank God for some old timers who still believe in a night of standards. Night and Day! J'ai Deux Amours! Straighten up and fly right! Nobody could believe I knew the lyrics to all the songs. I danced the night away as one can imagine.

Let me back up. Ian invited me to this ball ages ago. I wasn't too excited about the idea but then I met a pile of other people who were going and thought I might as well give it a shot. I whipped out the tux, polished the shoes and headed down to the Pierre where I found the bar and my friends. The ball was organized by The Soldiers', Sailors', Marines', Coast Guard and Airmen's Club and this year they were raising money for the Navy.

Another highlight for me was the Leatherneck Pipe and Drums who blew their bagpipes every chance they could. They piped us into dinner, they performed their military tattoo after Prince Ivan Obolensky gave the welcoming remarks and if I remember correctly they wrapped the evening up with even more piping and falderal.

Since Ian was running around like a turkey on thanksgiving Asha was a lovely date. After the ball wrapped up we headed to some sports bar on the Upper East where the organizers had rented a private room. Drinks were had, pictures were taken and I had to scoot home before I broke that 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' rule!