Cayman Islands Day Two

Day two got off to another early start with the dive shop picking us up at 845 for two dives. I havent been on a dive since circa 1993 so I was excited to get back into the deep blue.

We headed out on the boat with our dive experts Mo and Britta and our first dive was the best. We checked out a sea wall, headed down about 85 feet and swam through a cavern where we came face to face with a reef shark! It was about 6 feet and hung out for quite some time. Reed had a blast flying like a sting ray across reefs and giving a perfect floating Buddha impersonation which was a riot.

Next up was a quick snorkel and then another shallow dive where we saw a massive lobster and more amazing Parrot fish, my fave. I have to say seeing all of these natural wonders again was truly incredible. To imagine that those reefs, those magically colored fish and those sprawling sea fans which wave in symmetry like a Busby Berkley film were all made not for us, but for those sea creatures to enjoy, live in and love. It's a real wonder.

Have I had too much rum? Hardly. It's just a joy to see those incredible colors in nature and not in a club kids make up schematic.

The rest of the day was spent pool side. We were wrangled into a rum race where we had to push a rum keg from the shallow end of the pool to the bar, have a shot and push it back. We lost but still finished the bottle.

This evening we had dinner at Portofino, which was owned by an Indian family?! Conch fritters with curry and crab samosas. Regardless of the ethnic diversity, it was good food all the same.

Tomorrow- sleeping in!