Southampton Sojourn

Last weekend I spent three blissful days with Mark, Mary, Alistair, Ian and my goddaughter Beatrice. Perfect weekend!

Ian and I made the Jitney trek Friday afternoon and Mark picked us up in time to hit the liquor store before a dinner of grilled shrimps, asparagus and cous cous.

It was so nice just to be in the country, hang out with old friends and marvel at how fast All Star and Bea are growing up. So nice in fact that we cleared six bottle of wine at dinner. Oops!

Saturday morning was already hot and sunny so I jumped in the pool first thing. That took care of the shower portion of the morning routine. The kids trickled out into suits and into the water. We spent hours playing Mermaid, Water gun wars and 'Bocatera!', a new game All Star created where one has to jump around and then do a flip underwater. Ian won that one. I bailed to read my new book Rogues Gallery.

After lobster rolls and wine for lunch we all took a siesta before Keenan, Nancy and Mark came over for a diner of BBQ chicken, potato salad, corn on the cobb and of course-more vino!

We made the mistake of giving the kids giant cupcakes before our dinner and after theirs. It was like watching Boogie Nights these kids were so high! All Star literally ran his lawnmower around the kitchen table about 50 times and Bea kept screaming, "Cheers!" while dancing next to the ipod. It was hysterical.

When they finally passed out we got our party on dancing with everything that wasn't tied down until finally the boys stripped and jumped into the pool for late night antics to entertain the ladies.
Does that sounds naughty?
Well, sorry, but it wasn't.
Just city kids letting our hair down in the country.

Sunday we slept late (except for Mark who took the kids to Princess Diner at 7am. Not sure how he does it!)
And Barge came in on the 12 Jitney in time for a long lunch before I had to ship off back to the city.

What a great weekend with the gang!