Fergus Dingwall
Today I met my first puppy. I've always had dogs, wonderful, beautiful mutts, but I have never had a purebred.
Yes, make me run the gauntlet but I've always wanted a Scottish Terrier.
My grandmother always regaled me with stories of Fala. She used to visit the Whitehouse as a child and Fala was always the perfect disposal for the rather unsavory menu offered by Mrs. Roosevelt.
Having a dog is a big responsibility in New York City. It's not like Atlanta where we just let them out the back door for a wiz. It's a walk at all hours! But I think I'm ready for it.
Today I went out to bumble whoo haa Pennsylvania and met the dog I googled last week. Adopting a dog is a strenuous a task as any. I have been let down time after time by breeders. And yes, I have looked on every adoption site on the Eastern Seaboard but alas, no Scotties.
So today I met my love. I've named him Fergus Dingwall. A Scottish name if ever there was. My friends Angela and Colin suggested the name Fergus, I found Dingwall as a surname from an old Viking town in Scotland.
Erla, the breeder, met us at the door and hastily brought out the puppy. He was sleepy when we met but came to life after a bit of time with me, Soumanjoy and Olivia.
After bonding with him for a bit, it was hard to give him back. His wide paws, his growing snout, his blue black gums and puppy breath had me in ecstasy. My own little Scot.
After we left we had an amusing and eye opening tour of Amish country.
First stop, The Carriage Corner Restaurant where we were quite the rare creatures. A Southerner ( I protested at Pepsi!), a French and an Indian, we had the whole place in a buzz.
But we ate like locals, Soumanjoy with a full rack of ribs, I ate honey 'dip't' chicken and Olivia the full salad bar. It was divine. Very Po Folks!
Next we heading out into the rural far stretches of America. Amish Country Awesomeness. Silos, red barns, carriages, horses and laundry lines by the mile.
And then it was the trek home. How horrid Saturday evening traffic, but all I could think about was Fergus and bringing him home on March 19th. Fingers crossed it all goes well!
Yes, make me run the gauntlet but I've always wanted a Scottish Terrier.
My grandmother always regaled me with stories of Fala. She used to visit the Whitehouse as a child and Fala was always the perfect disposal for the rather unsavory menu offered by Mrs. Roosevelt.
Having a dog is a big responsibility in New York City. It's not like Atlanta where we just let them out the back door for a wiz. It's a walk at all hours! But I think I'm ready for it.
Today I went out to bumble whoo haa Pennsylvania and met the dog I googled last week. Adopting a dog is a strenuous a task as any. I have been let down time after time by breeders. And yes, I have looked on every adoption site on the Eastern Seaboard but alas, no Scotties.
So today I met my love. I've named him Fergus Dingwall. A Scottish name if ever there was. My friends Angela and Colin suggested the name Fergus, I found Dingwall as a surname from an old Viking town in Scotland.
Erla, the breeder, met us at the door and hastily brought out the puppy. He was sleepy when we met but came to life after a bit of time with me, Soumanjoy and Olivia.
After bonding with him for a bit, it was hard to give him back. His wide paws, his growing snout, his blue black gums and puppy breath had me in ecstasy. My own little Scot.
After we left we had an amusing and eye opening tour of Amish country.
First stop, The Carriage Corner Restaurant where we were quite the rare creatures. A Southerner ( I protested at Pepsi!), a French and an Indian, we had the whole place in a buzz.
But we ate like locals, Soumanjoy with a full rack of ribs, I ate honey 'dip't' chicken and Olivia the full salad bar. It was divine. Very Po Folks!
Next we heading out into the rural far stretches of America. Amish Country Awesomeness. Silos, red barns, carriages, horses and laundry lines by the mile.
And then it was the trek home. How horrid Saturday evening traffic, but all I could think about was Fergus and bringing him home on March 19th. Fingers crossed it all goes well!