Day Ten: Sicily

 This was our view when we peeled the curtains back this morning. Sicily! The home of Sofia from The Golden Girls. Ahhh..... And no, I'm not even mentioning The God Father. Sigh, that reference was all too prevalent.

But this island was a TOTAL highlight! I always thought Sicily was the New Jersey of Italy. A little tacky, not as classy. But like New Jersey, it's got a bad rap. This island is epic. Guy de Maupassant wrote: A landscape where you find everything created to seduce the eyes, mind and fantasy.
Couldn't agree more!
 Speaking of fantasy... This welcomed us into the port of Messina.

 This is all we saw of Messina since it was bombed to bits in WWII.

Off to Taormina! About a 45 minute drive from our port this charming town in the hills is where I could spend a summer writing.

 LOOK! Mount Etna! She's fuming about something.

We stopped at this little cafe and it seems that it has been quite the hot spot since the 50s.
This pic is from Life Magazine.

I have always been obsessed with these head vases. I asked our guide the backstory and he said back in the day the locals would kill pirates and put their heads on their roof tops to show they have been busy. These rotten pirate heads inspired artists to start making vases in the same shape. Even more grotesque and incredible!

Now THIS is from a bar that was all about the penis. This is a measuring board you can take out to the clubs with you. I love Sicily!

Some penis art in the window. Sadly the bar was closed at 9:30 am or I would have moved in.

Me and Mount Etna. Notice the moon over the puff of smoke.

Mama and her namesake hotel.

JEWELS! Justin Giunta you need to come and conquer.

Cannoli are from Sicily so we HAD to have one. Mother was in heaven. We had two.

Here is our happy group drinking and relaxing before NOON! God love this crew.

Our view.

This is our view from the table at lunch. We ate at Cisterna del Moro. We smelled the pizza and followed our noses. The view didn't hurt.

Cheese with lemons and pistachios!

I didn't know Carmen Miranda was a pirate.

That's all from this amazing day. I cannot wait to come back and spend a week on this island.
Tomorrow - Sardinia.