My Post for's 'The Fashion Body'

One of my favorite and most respected fashion websites, has been working on a portfolio of essay's and videos on how the fashion world sees the human body. There are amazing videos from influential designers and tastemakers about each part of the body. Anna Dello Russo's is amusing for NOSE, Phyllis Posnick's RIGHT EAR and Lady Gaga's LEFT EYE are also treats. They are all amazing to be honest both video and essay.

It was a huge honor to be asked to contribute to this body of work. Not only is Nick Knight (the founder) a huge inspiration but also my body is something I have always wanted to write about. Being average weight in the gay world is simply not done and I have had many moments of huge insecurity from the community for not having a six pack or huge guns. But as you will read, my love for Southern food far outweigh's my need for the perfect body.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave comments. I have already had two emails from strangers who thanked me for writing about something that has affected them for years. Alas, the reason I write.

Thank you Indigo Clarke for setting this up!