A Full On Fourth at Fay and James'
This 4th was spent at James and Fay's fun summer spot in East Hampton. How odd not to be out there with Rod and Philip at Jamies! But it's always nice to see the Hamptons through others eyes. It was a relatively mellow weekend (well, not for James and Javas!) but the rest of us just chilled, giggled and did a whole heap of eating. Thanks F&J for a fun filled weekend. Fergus is still wiped out!
Can you spot Fergus?
Javas doing his 'Octopus Dance' as Soumanjoy calls it.
The beach or a Ralph Lauren Polo ad?
Da Boys being boys. I wish we got a pic of princess unicorn who visited us in his neon green speedo but we were too awe struck to move.
Yes my child!
My morning buddy
SAUCY salad!
Gazpacho prep
"I SWEAR mine are bigger than this!"
SadTrombone.com- kept us in stitches all weekend
Boys behaving badly
Dawg Walkin'
Dream Home.
Dream Boat.
Someone sketching.
Fay kept saying, "Bloody hell get a picture of that! James cooking!"
And here we go....
Your child will be so proud when this floats up during his High School years....
Fay is thinking... HOAX... that was the word of the night for Scrabble.
4th of July Parade in South Hampton!
Bea in her new tie dyed shirt she made.
Fergus hears the bagpipes of his homeland!
Is that Rose Kennedy?
Look to the far left of the frame...
Perfect weekend.