Dandy in the Daily Telegraph

As I always say- people if you want to get out there you have to be out there!
I met Melissa several weeks back at the Standard Grill. We were having dinner with Lucy McIntyre and instantly
fell in love. What is it with me and English girls? Their accent? Looks? Humor? Love of horses?
Regardless we hit it off and she asked me if she could interview me for her new column about eccentric New Yorkers.
Sign me up!
After drinks at mine and a wild and indulgent night at Melba's we had a story.
Check it out here.
(click the title above to read)

My day in Cannes

Here are pics from my day today. The sunset I took about 5 min ago.
Check out my hotel! No not the big fancy Carlton- Im the little white house next door, the Bleu Rivage. So charming.
Im the top floor with the windows open.

I spent the entire day on a chair at the beach at the 3.14 beach area. 15 Euros well spent. I picked them because their umbrellas were the cutest and then realized it was part of the hip boutique hotel my friend Dani used to work at.
I ordered 2 massive bottles of Badoit and an amazing tomato mozzarella.

Then I just gazed for ages at the water, at the boys, at the boats and took a dip here and there. It was total bliss.
Then I ripped through my Out Magazine and NY Mag and listened to the Talented Mr. Ripley Soundtrack- how can you not
in such a place?

At 430 I figured I was burnt to a crisp and ran out of reading material so I popped back up to Bleu to shower, dress and head out for a stroll. I hit the Lacoste store for a new polo. My purple one was DONE. Its had 4 holes in it and was brown on the collar. Im all for old money tattery togs but this was beyond. I bought a new salmon colored one that will be fab for Art Basel and Africa.

Then I sat on La Croisette and watched the sunset before changing into my blazer for champagne at the Carlton terrace and dinner at 3.14 before heading home to pack and post.

What an amazing unexpected treat this trip was!
Can't wait to write the article and for the next time with the PR guru Kelley LUSH-ford (as she signed her name today)

Bon Nuit

Yachting in Monaco

Wednesday night, jet lagged but still dazzled by the magic of Monaco I met up with Kelly Luchford, owner of Luchford PR, Liz Jeans from House & Garden UK and Anton Mossa from Quintessentially at the Fairmont for a quick glass of fizz before heading to Port Hercules for a cocktail party on a swanky mega yacht. Recession who?!

Kelly’s client Intarya is winning Yacht Designs ‘Queen of Show’ for the stellar interiors they created for the new Celestial Hope and it was time to celebrate!

More on the boat:
Celestial Hope, a luxury 47metre Heesen motor mega yacht has already won several awards even before being officially launched at the Monaco Boat Show this week, such as the Asian Boating Award for most innovative interior design (other winners included Phillipe Starck and Riva).
Back to the soiree:
We tossed our kicks and hopped onto ‘Celeste’ as I will call her. Note for you mega yacht hoppers- be sure to get a pedicure before jumping on board! Champagne was popping and we were all getting into the party spirit when all of a sudden I ran into Ian from Based Upon. Uh oh, party alert. I met Ian last week in NYC to learn more about his amazing company. Well I learned a lot about his company since we were out till 3am together doing the Harlem jazz bar circuit. This time he arrived with his twin brother Richard. Trouble times two.

Celeste was truly incredible. To me it resembled a young Park Avenue socials home more than the typical nautical nightmare one sees on the sea. The designer Kamini Ezralow took yacht interiors to the next level. Mother of pearl inlaid headboards? Hammered silver doorknobs? A metallicised bas-relief staircase? Come to think of it the interiors brought another look to mind, Elise de Wolfe’s Paris home. Clean, elegant and terribly chic.

After copious amounts of bubbly the party wound down and Kamini invited 12 of us to dinner at a divine outdoor spot on the harbor. I was lucky enough to sit by her and she is a wealth of information and real gem of a person. Her husband was hysterical and his mother (who was almost engaged to Carey Grant and knew Tony Duquette!) was a treasure trove of old Hollywood trivia.

After dinner and solving all the worlds problems we took the party back to the Fairmont. Here is where it gets a bit fuzzy. Actually, I remember most of what happened but I think the shorts incident, the lady man, the peanut explosion and ballroom dancing should be left to memory

Morning from Monaco

I was invited to cover the new Riva/CRN mega yacht collaboration just last Sunday and here I am on Wednesday overlooking the Med from my suite at the Fairmont. Not too bad for a hum drum week in September!

I landed this morning and was eager to see the show. I met Alessandra who took me around the new Riva Domino and then onward to the CRN's new baby- Blue Eyes, a $65 million floating palace.

I am not showing all images because I may post on other blogs. But here are highlights of the boat show and one very cute French teacher I couldn't help snapping. Bonjour!

I still can't believe I am here. Last time I docked here was with Rick, Mom and Dad 3 weeks before I moved to NYC in 1999. How different I am and how amazing this place still is.

Off to the launch of another designer boat tonight.

Stay tuned!

Off to Monaco!

Just got invited to check out a couple of new yachts launching during yacht week in Monaco.
Wed night I will be checking out the one attached during a cocktail party on the boat.

Thursday I have a press conference on a new collab that Riva is doing. My fave line of boats in the world!
You know the ones- Talented Mr. Ripley style?
More soon!

My interview in Icelands National Paper

If anyone can read Icelandic let me know how this article reads! (click on title for link to the actual page)

As you will read in blogs I did for FFF this Icelandic Fashion Week was a total scam. These poor designers were told they would have a magical fashion show that ended up rained out with no alternative venue. I hope this event never happens again. At least with Kolla as President.
More soon.

Hallarbylting hönnuða á Iceland Fashion Week

Cator Sparks Hann kom til landsins á vegum Full Frontal Fashion og hefur meðal annars skrifað fyrir New York Times.
„Tískuvikan var hryllileg, algjör hörmung. Ég skil ekki hvernig þessi kona hefur getað unnið svona lengi við þetta," segir bandaríski blaðamaðurinn Cator Sparks.

Cator skrifar fyrir vefmiðilinn Full Frontal Fashion og kom til landsins í síðustu viku í tengslum við Iceland Fashion Week. Allt fór í háaloft á laugardag þegar tískusýning átti að fara fram á Ljósanótt í Reykjanesbæ og hönnuðir neituðu að senda fyrirsæturnar á sýningarpallinn.

„Skíturinn skall á viftunni daginn sem tískusýningin var haldin í Keflavík," segir Cator. „Hún [Kolbrún Aðalsteinsdóttir] sagði að módelin myndu „ganga á vatni" og það hljómaði eins og ótrúlega fallegur sýningapallur - virkilega framandi. En pallurinn samanstóð af stöflum af íslenskum vatnsflöskum á vörubrettum og sýningin var haldin í miðri bæjarhátíð! Þetta var hræðilegt!"

Cator segist hafa vorkennt hönnuðunum sem áttu að sýna. Vinnuaðstaða þeirra var í tjaldi sem lak í rigningunni og samkvæmt heimildum Fréttablaðsins eyðilögðust nokkrar flíkur.

Svo fór að flestir hönnuðirnir ásamt nánast öllu starfsfólki tískusýningarinnar fyrir utan Kolbrúnu færðu sýninguna á Nasa, þar sem hún fór fram eftir að hafa meðal annars verið auglýst á Facebook.

Cator segir að Kolbrún hafi ekki tekið því vel.

„Kolla kom inn í eitt tjaldanna og öskraði að þetta væri ólöglegt og að þau mættu þetta ekki," segir hann, „Hún sagði líka að þau sem færu myndu aldrei vinna fyrir hana aftur og bað alla um að koma með sér. Það litu allir á hana og sögðu:

„Fyrirgefðu, en við ætlum með hönnuðunum". Hún fór þá, tók rútuna sem átti að ferja okkur og skildi okkur eftir í rigningunni á bæjarhátíð í Keflavík. Það tók klukkutíma að fá leigubíl. Hún bar enga virðingu fyrir okkur og ég velti fyrir mér hvort hún geri sér grein fyrir hverja hún skildi eftir; New York Times, New York Magazine, risastórar alþjóðlegar útgáfur og henni var alveg sama."

Kolbrún Aðalsteinsdóttir, skipuleggjandi Iceland Fashion Week, segir að hæst bylji í tómri tunni og vill að öðru leyti ekki tjá sig um óánægju hönnuða og blaðamanna.

„Verkefnið mitt skilaði svakalega skemmtilegri vinnu sem alheimspressan veit um og er alveg hrikalega flott," segir hún. Kolbrún hyggst halda Iceland Fashion Week á ný á næsta ári.

10 year throw down at The Cock

Hoorah! I did it! I managed to get the world famous Cock to open their doors two hours before they usually open for me to celebrate with great friends my 10 year anniversary in New York.
Best part is- they didn't charge me a thang!
Can you imagine? Everyone take note! Want to have a private party somewhere but been hit hard by the recession? Just do it at the Cock! Andy, the manager, even found me two go go boys (who were fantastic and fun). I asked JonJon Battles and Timmy Dowling to DJ, sent out the invite, and voila!
It was a great time. I'm almost wondering if I should just rent that place out every time I want to throw a shin dig. Sure Harlem Townhouse parties are fun and cozy, but the set up! The clean up! The hosting! This was so easy.

Thanks to everyone who made it out to celebrate with me. It was a real treat to have so many great friends around.
Here's to another 10!

A Decade of Decadence

On August 28th, 2009, it will be ten years since I moved to New York City. To me that is unfathomable, as Vreeland would quip. But again, I can hardly remember the feeling of being 23. That seems like centuries ago that I was that insecure, confused and often oddly dressed boy. I do remember many moments of that time in my life. I remember leaving my apartment on Ponce de Leon Place bawling out of control leaving the love of my life, Rick. He had given me a pair of Tiffany cufflinks by Peretti and I sobbed and held them tight as he waved goodbye and my mother drove me towards the airport holding it all in for my sake.

I arrived in New York City feeling so alone. My cab drove through China Town where a street fight broke out and stopped traffic briefly. “Shit”, I thought, “what the fuck have I gotten myself into?” Kevin’s apartment was a five-floor walk up and not in the best shape but to me I had arrived. I had an apartment in New York! But the magic didn’t last.

I got to my new job at Jeffrey and was told my salary was to drop from $70,000 to $35,000. Sorry! And that was that. Why? Oh someone had simply over budgeted for the new stores salaries so mine had to be slashed. Swell. But working at Jeffrey was amazing. I was in WWD the first week I lived here quoted as the southern boy with a drawl who said, “I’m from the South, get into it!” And as archaic as it sounds, its true. Moving from Atlanta (or my Atlanta) to this dirty, loud, aggressive Yankee territory was one of the hardest things I have had to adjust to. Ok, Paris was no dream, but I managed. Mostly by getting stoned daily and wandering the halls of Versailles. And London was a breeze. People were civil! Fun! Well dressed! But New York…

My neighbor on 24th Street was called ‘Stompy Stomp’. She would wear platform shoes and stomp around her apartment all day and night. She was ugly and not nice. We would ask her kindly to be quiet and she would stomp faster. One day I dropped a picture I was hanging and it shattered on the floor. I was so sad and then she began stomping wildly. How dare I make such noise? At my wits end I picked up my hammer, went to her front door and beat on that goddamned door and screamed at her for what must have been five minutes straight. I became possessed. It was every mean cab driver, rude person in the street and shitty deli server all pouring out of my magnolia and mint southern veins. And you know what? It worked! She never stomped again. And I only heard about her one other time when my friend Maggie James was staying with me. She worked at Westwood (oh the halcyon days!) and she was getting ready for work one day in her bondage boots and Stompy actually came to my door and told her to be quiet. Maggie, having been warned about her, simply looked her in that face and said, “Fuck You!” WOW! It worked!

Like Seth Brundle in The Fly, my skin began to harden. A shell began to form. But quite honestly I didn’t like it. I didn’t want a hard skin; I didn’t want to have to be that person. I’ll never forget one time when I went to Port Authority (the most depressing place on the face of the earth) to catch a bus to Rhode Island to visit Anna and Price at RISD I asked the ‘Information Booth’ Lady where I could find the bus to my destination. She looked up at me, had spaghetti and red sauce oozing out of her mouth and said, “can’t you read the signs dumb ass?!” I was stunned. I simply took a deep breath and looked up at her with her slime falling onto her poly blend uniform and said, “Jesus loves you too.” I didn’t know what else to do but simply try to keep the faith.

I would take trips home and when it was time to fly back to New York I would get fetal in my bedroom over looking Lake Lanier. Poor Rick and my mother would hug me, hold me and give me the strength to go back to this hellhole I had moved to. Granted, there were highlights. I met loads of celebrities when I first moved here who would shop at Jeffrey. And at 23 that was exciting. The person I thought was the biggest celebrity who came to the store was Valerie Steele. When she walked in I about died! I kept telling people, “Look it’s Valerie Steele!!” Nobody knew who she was. I knew she was the curator of FIT Costume Institute and a fashion historian. When I went to school in London and studied fashion history my teacher would banter on about this or that for about ten minutes and then announce, “Well, Ms. Steele can explain it better than I can so here we go.” And for weeks on end I would watch videos of Dr. Steele explaining cod pieces, Rose Bertin, slashing and corsets. I’m not sure she was aware that a school in London was using her lectures to teach their students but she changed my life. To me, she was the first celebrity who I met.

There were other celebrities I met in my first year in New York: Diana Vreeland, Sarah & Gerald Murphy, Dorothy Parker, Peggy Guggenheim and Stephen Tennant. Reading biographies of these peoples lives, their time in New York, and the landmarks that they called home and haunted helped me see the prettier, more elegant side of New York. I would imagine I was a friend of Parkers running into the ‘Gonk’ for a martini. I would imagine I was Mr. Murphy on my way to Mark Cross on Park Avenue and I would imagine I was an assistant to Vreeland when I passed the Met on an errand. I would dress in a suit for a night out at a dirty East Village Bar and it made me feel good and in turn people began to notice me. 1) As the well-dressed kid sticking dollars in the go-go dancers thong 2) the loudest laugh anywhere 3) The one who was always ready to shake and shimmy till the wee hours. 10 years later I don’t think much has changed.

Someone told me that you must give New York two years and that one day, without consciously thinking about it, you will fall in love. Those first two years were incredibly difficult. Moving, missing my boyfriend, finding out fashion isn’t as Vreeland knew it anymore and searching for myself in this melting pot was not easy. I think I was the last of my friends to actually get a cell phone and I went through four jobs in that short time. But I will never forget I was on 5th Avenue, alone, at dusk and I gazed over the park to the deco towers of the Wild West side and my heart grew warm and a massive smile took over my face. I was home. I couldn’t leave. It was my time.

Ten years later I still pinch myself when I wake up. My room at the top of a castle in Harlem is my bachelor boudoir a la Rhett Butler come true. My housemates are some of my closest friends in the world. If it wasn’t for Rod and Philip I would have never experienced India where I realized I must attempt to become a journalist. Nor would I have experienced the Hamptons the same way in Jamie Drakes Bentley, nor would I have ever met Isabella Blow at La Caprice where I was tipsy enough to ask her to touch my cock. And she did, caressing the cockerel on the side of my Rod Keenan hat. And of course there is Frankie, who if he did not live with me, I would not be hip to any ghetto lingo or the newest technology in makeup and who I am so proud of. We have come a long way from the ‘Junior Mafia’ in Atlanta.

My career still has me questioning, “How the hell did this happen?” Working at the coolest PR firm in the world where I have met a group of people who have become family, to my days lounging in caftans at home researching pitches and pounding out interviews with people I never thought I would get to meet. I haven’t become the President of the National Arts Club yet, nor do I have a column in Vanity Fair but hey, slow and steady wins the race.

Then there are the friends I have met here. Mark and Mary who approached me at a Westwood after party assuming I would be some snob and then latched onto them the rest of the night in my kimono, waistcoat and Westwood patent pumps. Having Beatrice Greer, their daughter as my goddaughter has grounded me more they can imagine. Spending weekends with her in the Hamptons and running around with her on Easter Sunday searching for eggs at First Presbyterian are such highlights for me. I can’t wait till she is old enough to go shopping and have brunch at Bergdorf.

Then there is Mr. Giunta who has experienced more adventures with me than anyone else. Wild weekends at Art Basel, boozy ranch rides on the hunt for Zebras at Big Daddy’s ranch and the countless nights out in New York, which, together, we seem to conquer the world.

I recently bought a bike. Ok, my mother bought if for me for my 33rd birthday. I adore Felton, that’s my bikes name. We zizz down the Westside highway with a cool breeze off the Hudson blowing though my straw cap. Over the summer I have forgone the gym to take Felton for a spin around Central Park. I notice the grand monuments, the museums and the sculptures but now instead of imaging them as part of the world of Vreeland or some other iconic New Yorker I realize they are part of my world. It was over there in that alley of trees that Kevin and I wandered through new fallen snow. It was in that great lawn where I first saw a spark with Adam and Tali. And there is the Plaza where mother and I went for a last drink in the Oak bar and did an impromptu photo shoot on a grand piano before the old Plaza shut its glorious doors.

A funny thing happened just last week. I was on my way from a charity meeting in Tribeca to the West Village to watch my friend Annabelle win $125,000 on the reality show- The Fashion Show. I waved down a cab and gave him my destination. He lurched off and had his ‘Spanish to English’ lesson tapes blasting full blast. I dealt with it for a moment then asked if he could turn it down. He barked, “No way! You turn off that fucking TV in the back of the cab! I have to learn English!” Well it sounded to me like he had a pretty good grasp of the language to me. So with a bit of force I slammed the plastic partition shut. He screamed, “Why the fuck did you do that! What the fuck are you doing to my cab!” I just sat there and said, “What have I done wrong? What happened to the passenger being right?” “Asshole!” he yelled, pulled over and told me to get the fuck out. And I did. I stood there in silence. The southern boy coming back to his roots of confusion over the harshness of this city. Then I grinned, picked up my phone, called 411 and said, “Yes, I would like to make a complaint about car 2J 3R. He asked me to get out because he wanted to play his English lessons at full blast.” “Oh my how rude!” the woman said with a little tsk tsk, “would you like to file a complaint and take him to court? You know you can go to taxi court by phone these days!” As I held my head up high and waved down another cab I laughed and said, “Go on then. Lets do this!”
Ten years later there are still bumps in the road, still moments that make me flinch, but the positives outweigh the negatives and now I know how to take them in stride.

Twirlin on the Tram

For my fond farewell to Palm Springs Price, Neda and I took the famous Palm Springs tram 8,500 feet up for a stunning sunset. We timed it just right and the views were pretty surreal. I don’t know if you can tell in the pictures but the sunset mixed with haze mixed with mountains and desert resulted in a holographic view where lines, depth and space were all completely distorted. And NO I didn't smoke any trees before my ride up!

Meg at BPMW suggested I take the tram before I left on my journey (Thanks Meg!) and also advised not to eat at Peaks, the ‘fine dining’ spot on top of the mountain. From the looks of the food and the patrons we weren't missing a thing. We did however have a cocktail at the bar. I have to say, one low ball of Jameson had me totally tiddled being at such a high altitude. So that's why all those guys were taking their gals to dinner at Peaks!

It was amazing to start below were it was 85 degrees and reach the top to find it a chilly 50. In the winter there is snow at the top and people can build snowmen while below they can be roasting in the desert sun.

After our cocktail we stumbled back to the tram to head back down. The trams are a treat as well. They are specially designed to turn 360 degrees as you go up or down so you get up close views of the mountains and the horizon without moving an inch.

Before we left we were offered a souvenir picture of us with the tram. For $30 bucks we passed but Neda had no shame- she whipped out her camera, took a picture of the image on the computer, winked at the guy and walked off. Go on with yo bad self Neda. See the image below.

Belated Birthday at The Parker

Thursday night Price gave me my 33rd birthday present- dinner at The Parker! When she asked what I wanted this year I suggested skipping material items and doing dinner tête-à-tête while I was in Palm Springs.
I hadn't been to Jonathan Adler's The Parker Hotel yet so we booked a table for two and told them we were celebrating my birthday!
Neda and I had spent the afternoon touring modern architecture (stay tuned for a blog post on that on a new website launching soon). Then we drove to The Parker and had an awesome mojito and toured the grounds. What a great spot. All the bungalows, groovy groves and hummingbirds abounding was super swell. Price met us at 7:30 and Neda headed out to the house for down time. The dining room was almost pitch black with black lacquered walls. I really enjoyed the decor but you would think desert dining would have some views since the mountains are astounding. Regardless the decor was great with lots of great vintage nudey paintings, some scary skull prints and giant vases of jellybeans! The peppershaker really got us going. It was extra large and reminded me of the story I read in Barbara Hutton’s bio about Porfirio Rubirosa.
From Wikipedia:
He was also famous for the rumored length of his sexual organ--Truman Capote, in Answered Prayers, described it as eleven inches long—and to this day the extra-long pepper mills in French bistros are called "Rubirosas".[1]
Alas- photo shoot!

After wielding my grinder to amused guests the maitre d' brought out my birthday dessert on a lazy susan that lit up, sang Happy Birthday and spun around! That's my kind of presentation.

Oh and for dinner, I had an amazing boiled artichoke then sea bass in corn chowder. YUM! It was great to have even more Price time. We never have a quiet moment entre nous. Always something to talk about between these two southern souls!

After dinner we drove home and hit the pool. We were not even going to attempt the gay bars after last night’s disaster.

Thanks Price for a lovely evening!

Heatin' it up in Palm Springs

Yes, I have booked a vacation from my vacation. I knew LA would be a whirl wind of fun and sun and catching up so Price and I booked out three glorious days at her parents pad in Indian Wells, about 30 min outside of Palm Springs.
I visited only once before about five years ago when her parents had a groovy little glass condo that was oh so Bob Hope. But they have now built a lovely home overlooking the mountains and golf court.
We arrived Wednesday afternoon, after my VERY FIRST In and Out Burger. I don’t remember getting here because after I inhaled my double decker burger I immediately passed out into a food coma.

But what a lovely place to arrive to! Price has stocked it with great art and the Jacuzzi and pool were ready to be dipped in.
Since it was a stifling 113 degrees outside we hung out indoors for a bit and got some work done (yes people a freelancers work is never done!) before we hopped into a cab and headed into town for a cabaret show and dinner at Hotel Zoso.

What a treat! It was just an old school drag throw down. The MC's name was Bella da Ball. And entertainment included Patty Wagon, Jersey Shore (!), Melissa Stratman and Sheila Star who looked like a 1960's Jewish motha. They did it up in gowns, big wigs and hysterical Cher, Elvis (it was the anniversary of his death) and Annie Lenox routines. Melissa was my favorite because of her Glenda the Good Witch look and insane routine. The crowd was equally hysterical. Loads of older bear daddies, glitzy gays and even some kids!

Afterwards we were ready to tear up the gay bar scene but alas it was a pitiful situation! We hit up Hunters and it STANK. I mean the air was foul. Not sure what overflowed but the sad thing was, nobody noticed. The bartenders tried to get me into a wet underwear contest. I declined. Then we went to some other spot that was so bad we just looked at each other, rolled our eyes and hailed a cab. Why spend the evening at a place where rainbows go to die instead of Price's lovely house with champagne, naked in the pool?! We had a blast and wound down at 1am in the Jacuzzi.
Needless to say we slept like babies.

Relaxin' in Laguna

Tuesday my LA gang played hooky and we all headed down to Laguna for a much needed do nuthin day at the beach.
I felt like I was 18 again. I was with all my friends from Atlanta rave days- Neda, Jenn and Kerri plus Mario his man and his girl Chu Chu. We blew up some 99-cent boogie boards (for ages 3-6) jumped in the icy sea and rode the waves!

Our little cove was perfect. The clouds broke, the sun was streaming and Kerri brought the perfect mix of tunes (yay Digable Planets!) Mario was mean and brought a box of chocolate chip cookies, which after hours in the sun, were just like fresh baked.

Speaking of baked. Well, lets just say we relived our halcyon days of yore! It was fantastic to giggle for hours and not think of a think but what was on the next page of National Geographic.

Later we wrapped things up, had a pineapple martini at a local restaurant then went to a friend’s house for sunset in the Jacuzzi before heading back to the city.

To bad we were not out there late enough to see the meteor showers!

Alas, can't have it all now can we?

My Dreams at Dawnridge

Thanks to Douglas Little I can now check off one of my many to do's on my wish list.
Since I was a gay youth (ahem) I have dreamed of Dawnridge. I remember reading about Tony Duquette in Architectural Digest when I was 10 years old and falling face first into the pages of chandeliers, jewelry and over the top arrangements. When Douglas suggested a trip to meet Hutton during my trip to LA I bit hard.

Sunday evening I dressed for an evening with Mr. Little and met him in West Hollywood. He picked me up in his zippy new car with his gorgeous Lela and off we rode to Beverly Hills. We twisted and turned through the lush streets until we reached those iconic doors. The star burst above them and the lady sphinxes welcoming, one on each side.

Hutton welcomed us into the house and once step in the door a got choked up. I was here. Here it is. This place. So photographed, so respected, so inspiring. Since it is still a private residence its not a place loads of people have seen. Although Hutton, bless his heart, is a yes man and conducts many tours for friends, friends of friends and friends of friends of friends.

On this day he was already hosting five people when we arrived. After he poured us some champagne he bolted out of his chair to begin the tour of the house. I’m sure he could do it asleep. He recited his docent speech about the Elsie de Wolfe meuble, the monkey room that used to be a carport, Beagles paintings and the paintings from Elizabeth Taylor’s movie- The Seagull. A highlight was Hutton feeding his coy. There were hundreds of them and they all swarmed when he approached. He was so Uncle Mame, just like Ms. Russell in the movie feeding her coy and talking to them. How endearing.

It was all so fascinating, all so beautiful and historic.

After the tour wrapped up we found the house empty of guests. Ruth, Hutton's wife, was upstairs with the dogs getting dressed for dinner. We sat in the main room, drank more champagne and gossiped for a while. Hutton is amazing, and so easy to get along with. At least for me. We bonded quickly. I appreciate anyone who has taken on such an undertaking. Keeping the Duquette dream alive and growing it. His new book, More is More, launches October 1st and I am hoping to interview him about it next time he is in NYC.
At 6pm it was time to go. Hutton and Ruth had a dinner and we had to head out for cocktails.
We took a few more pictures and then were off.
I think I am still on a coral coated cloud from that evening.
Thank you Douglas and thank you Hutton!

Quicksilver x The Standard Pool Party

Last Saturday my first full day in LA was spent running around the rooftop of The Standard Downtown in my world famous one piece. The occasion: The launch of the Quicksilver bathing suit collab with The Standard.

There are four different bathing suits for each Standard city. We have the LA Downtown, Hollywood, New York and Miami.
Coolest part? They are sold in touch screen vending machines!

Back to the party- we were out here because darling Lucy McIntyre invited Price, Salman and I and it was Anna and Pierre's last day. We spent the day lounging in several spots, our favorite being the 'Hershey Kisses'. We boozed (note Ms Laub elegantly guzzling a jello shot), we ate and we did lots of picture taking as well as voting for the hottest bod. And there were many. I posted the rockinest one here.

But the party was really all about my one piece. I mean, I have worn that thing all around the world and the one place where it absolutely got the most attention was right there in LA. I figured I would get one or two pictures or comments, but when I did the reveal it was like I had magically morphed into Robert Pattinson. Camera phones came flying out of oversized handbags, dudes were whipping off their glasses and squinting and general pandemonium abounded.

After a lengthy photo shoot with The Standard photogs, (see Mario and I) I was told by management that I was already a hit on their Twitter feed. Lots of surfer dudes nervously laughed or looked away but when I had pro skate boarder Salman Agah wrap his arm around me and give me a big fat kiss I got instant dude respect. The highlight was near the end of the day when one drunken surfer came up to me with all smiles and gave me a high five. He said, "Dude I just had to come and give you some love and respect. You have bigger balls than any other man around to wear that thing all day!"

You heard the man.

Lobster Fest

As you can see I am finally getting to my back log of blog posts. Here I sit in 100 degrees in Palm Springs at 10am and it feels so nice just to catch up, revisit and move ahead.

Several weeks ago for Megan's birthday Lucy brought two lobsters home from Cape Cod for them to boil for a birthday dinner. Alas Megan had to work late so I was the lucky guest for the boil and feast.

Lucy named the little ladies Thelma & Louise. They were pretty lobsters and spent the entire day snoozing in the fridge. That evening they made their debut on the dining room table for photo shoots and a show and tell with Ferris. I think that was the first time Ferris was really afraid of anything.

Without further ado the ladies got dunked, the corn got boiled and the candles under the butter bowls were lit. 20 minutes later we were feasting like wild beasts.

What a lovely weekday surprise!
Thanks Luce and sorry Megan, they weren't really that great anyways....

The Frick Garden Party

A couple of weeks ago Rod and I met Lucy and the ladies at The Frick for a swelegant garden party. Guess what- we all behaved! Nobody got too tipsy, nobody tripped in heels and neary a friend fell into a rose bush. So alas I dont really have too much to report.
But we all looked damn good! Bill Cunningham thought so too- he finally threw a pic of me, Lucy and Rod in the Times. Hoorah.
The big band was really marvelous- Thanks Heidi!
And instead of a big dinner out apres Rod, Lucy and I hightailed it home for pizza and a bottle.
How amazing does Lucy look in Rod's aunt's hat?
One thing was missing- Mama! She was the bell of the ball last year. We will make it happen next.

Southampton Sojourn

Last weekend I spent three blissful days with Mark, Mary, Alistair, Ian and my goddaughter Beatrice. Perfect weekend!

Ian and I made the Jitney trek Friday afternoon and Mark picked us up in time to hit the liquor store before a dinner of grilled shrimps, asparagus and cous cous.

It was so nice just to be in the country, hang out with old friends and marvel at how fast All Star and Bea are growing up. So nice in fact that we cleared six bottle of wine at dinner. Oops!

Saturday morning was already hot and sunny so I jumped in the pool first thing. That took care of the shower portion of the morning routine. The kids trickled out into suits and into the water. We spent hours playing Mermaid, Water gun wars and 'Bocatera!', a new game All Star created where one has to jump around and then do a flip underwater. Ian won that one. I bailed to read my new book Rogues Gallery.

After lobster rolls and wine for lunch we all took a siesta before Keenan, Nancy and Mark came over for a diner of BBQ chicken, potato salad, corn on the cobb and of course-more vino!

We made the mistake of giving the kids giant cupcakes before our dinner and after theirs. It was like watching Boogie Nights these kids were so high! All Star literally ran his lawnmower around the kitchen table about 50 times and Bea kept screaming, "Cheers!" while dancing next to the ipod. It was hysterical.

When they finally passed out we got our party on dancing with everything that wasn't tied down until finally the boys stripped and jumped into the pool for late night antics to entertain the ladies.
Does that sounds naughty?
Well, sorry, but it wasn't.
Just city kids letting our hair down in the country.

Sunday we slept late (except for Mark who took the kids to Princess Diner at 7am. Not sure how he does it!)
And Barge came in on the 12 Jitney in time for a long lunch before I had to ship off back to the city.

What a great weekend with the gang!