Obama Mania in Harlem!

Last night was one night I was proud and excited to live in Harlem.

All day there was a buzz in the air.
The voting booths were packed, people were bringing their cameras and children while Shepard Fairey posters of Barack were plastered in every window.

Lucy made a hearty stew for dinner and Rod came up to watch election coverage. As soon as the race started favoring Obama the streets of Harlem grew louder and louder.

Lucy and I decided to head out to the Federal Building on Adam Clayton Powell and 125th Street. There was a jumbo tron, a stage, and loads of people. We really got a laugh at the Aunt Jemima and White Castle vans parked outside serving up snacks to the masses. I have to wonder it was marketing or pure happenstance that the jumbo tron was angled to look as if the statue of Adam Clayton Powell was glued to the tube.

We listened to Jeremy Piven give a quick speech and then took a tour around watching the drum circle and the Euros with their banner 'France for Obama'. We headed home where I picked up Frankie and Rod for another twirl outside. By the time we got the wine poured and the cameras ready the crowds had swelled two fold. The drums were louder, cars had parked in the middle of the street and people were dancing on rooftops. I have never seen Harlem so HAPPY. African American Day parade is always a disaster and there is usually gun violence, but this night was full of positive vibes and smiling faces.

We headed back home for bed; I loaded my pictures up and got into the sack. But the horns were so loud, the screams were so intense Frankie and I both said-screw it! And we went out for a third time to join in the revelry when Obama actually won.

We went back to hear his speech but it was too loud. A marching band got everyone dancing and the streets turned into one huge party.

We were not out for long but I cracked my windows when I finally went to bed at 1am to hear the happy voices as I passed out.

Finally an historic event in New York that doesn't involve terrorism or black outs!
