Gay Pride at Gracie Mansion

I don't do alot to celebrate gay pride. I am proud and I am gay but running around in hot pants isn't my way of showing it, as you can see in my NEXT magazine interview here:

BUT there is one event I always try to attend and that is Gay Pride at Gracie Mansion, hosted by Mayor Bloomberg.
I have been going for the past five years ( I think since it started) and each year it gets bigger and bigger but still is a load of fun.
Eric met me there this year and we had a hamburger on the lawn, caught up with random people we never see and enjoyed the grounds and the house, if only from the exterior.

We walked into the tent as 'Everybody move your body' was blasting from the DJ booth and bee lined to the bar for some white wine.

Usually Bloomberg does a meet and greet where you can shake his hand and they send you a picture of this historical event.
But this year they ditched that idea and instead Bloomberg lead a camp Match Game show. Co-hosted by Issac Mizrahi (who gave the Mayor the tie he was wearing for Valentines Day), the Mayor asked several people including Issac questions about New York and the LGBT lifestyle which was amusing for five minutes but was a bit drawn out.

On the bright side Bloomberg gave us great hope for same sex marriage in NYC and let us know he has pledged a full fledged campaign for boosting LGBT tourism to NYC.

After several glasses of wine, saying hi to Mr.Jamie Drake (who I will be spending next week with in Jersey!) we bid adieu and headed downtown to the Gansevoort to meet some of Eric's friends at a gay Law Party.

Never a dull moment on Pride Week!