Hamptons Hysterics

Justin and I had a much needed respite from the Big City this weekend at Jamie Drake's delicious home, 'The Drake Estate' as we like to call it.

We took the Hamptons Luxury Liner out there because Justin insisted it is the chicest way to go. Well we get out of the tunnel and the bus breaks down! We end up in a car service with a driver who doesn't know where the Hamptons are. Great.

Friday night we had a quiet dinner with nine guests and a very giddy cocktail hour afterwards.

Saturday was pool, sun, lunch for 19 people and a quick trip to the gay beach where we saw our own version of the Montauk Monster. Dinner that night was for 12 and Justin and I started a dance party afterwards.

Today was calm and cool and most of the house guests left so we had a day on the DL before Jamie graciously drove us home.

Thank you Jamie for an amazing, amusing and relaxing weekend.

Gay Pride at Gracie Mansion

I don't do alot to celebrate gay pride. I am proud and I am gay but running around in hot pants isn't my way of showing it, as you can see in my NEXT magazine interview here:

BUT there is one event I always try to attend and that is Gay Pride at Gracie Mansion, hosted by Mayor Bloomberg.
I have been going for the past five years ( I think since it started) and each year it gets bigger and bigger but still is a load of fun.
Eric met me there this year and we had a hamburger on the lawn, caught up with random people we never see and enjoyed the grounds and the house, if only from the exterior.

We walked into the tent as 'Everybody move your body' was blasting from the DJ booth and bee lined to the bar for some white wine.

Usually Bloomberg does a meet and greet where you can shake his hand and they send you a picture of this historical event.
But this year they ditched that idea and instead Bloomberg lead a camp Match Game show. Co-hosted by Issac Mizrahi (who gave the Mayor the tie he was wearing for Valentines Day), the Mayor asked several people including Issac questions about New York and the LGBT lifestyle which was amusing for five minutes but was a bit drawn out.

On the bright side Bloomberg gave us great hope for same sex marriage in NYC and let us know he has pledged a full fledged campaign for boosting LGBT tourism to NYC.

After several glasses of wine, saying hi to Mr.Jamie Drake (who I will be spending next week with in Jersey!) we bid adieu and headed downtown to the Gansevoort to meet some of Eric's friends at a gay Law Party.

Never a dull moment on Pride Week!

Fashion Week: Loden Dager/Jamie's 50th/Purple Magazine Party

Another great group of my bon amies, Loden Dager, had a lovely presentation in a Chelsea art gallery on Saturday night.
First off, the day in clothes was a good one on the whole. Ruffian showed at the club and although some of it didn't make sense to me, there were some stellar pieces. Ruffles from Ruffian can't be beat.

Buckler was faggy and frivolous. I don’t get that line a bit. Atil has seen better days but some of the textiles were quite yummy for drapes or lampshades.

James Aguilar and I chatted a bunch and figured out some of those D-list people who crawl about the tents in silly outfits and call themselves stylist. One's name is Prince William the III and he is from Ghana and the other was named something like Geepak from Nepal. Geepak is the older man we all know for wearing animal print suits and matching newsboy hats.

Later that night I headed over to Chelsea to see Paul (pictured), Alex and Matthew present Loden Dager. The line is always spot on for 'boys who like books', although apparently the line has expanded to include lady-men since there was a pile of lesbians perusing the line and several of the models were quite gender bending. THANK YOU boys! Always keeping us on our toes. Fresh.

Afterwards I had a divine Indian dinner and some downtime before heading to Ben Widdicombe's for Mark Ellwood’s 13th celebration of his 21st birthday. It's always a bit like a homecoming at Ben's with the same editors, PR people and lovers of pigs and blankets. The joint may be filled with loads of industry people but not a lick of work is discussed. Heaven. Afterwards Reinaldo and I skipped out over to Justin's house for more chatting in a low-key setting. Chatting continued until 2am when the liquor ran dry and we couldn’t find a bootlegger so we called it a night.

Moving over to Tuesday I adored Luca Luca. Take note ladies! The looks are so clean, well cut and playful. Does playful sound dainty like Marsha Brady? I mean playful like martinis and skiing in Gstaad. Doo Ri was elegant although some people thought it was a played out collection. Too much draping. A bit Balenciaga. But I loved the mini trench that opened the show.

I ditchedc Heatherette for dinner at Il Cantinori in honor of Jamie Drake's 50th birthday. Thank God I missed it too. I’m not a huge fan of Richie after the horrible was he treated his ex-roommate and my close friend Matt Bell. And I don't know one person who has a good thing to say about him so just as well. I heard his show was a disaster anyhow.

Dinner was great fun and I got to see and meet some great people. Mary Jane always sends me to the moon and well heeled Ruthy and I had some catching up to do. I nearly coaxed her out to the Beatrice with me but she stayed put like a good hostess should. Next time dear Ruth...
The highlight of dinner was Jamie's gift from Mayor Bloomberg- a proclamation that February 6th is Jamie Drake Day!

A dashed out of dinner around 11 and headed to the Beatrice for the Purple Magazine party. It was chaos at the door but such fun once I made it inside. Alexis was taking pictures for the magazine and either his batteries died or his flash didn’t work but he took over my camera for the evening and shot the canoodling crowd. Around 3 I flew up the stairs and into a cab, cape and hat in hand. Bon Nuit Beatrice!